Sunday, May 6, 2018

McCaslin Update May 7-11

Mrs. McCaslin’s Fifth Grade Update May 7-11
Memory Verse (test May 11) 1 Cor. 6:19-20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of
the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
Dear Parents,
We have had a great week learning about devotions and worship in Chapel from third graders!. We’re also
working on our own chapel presentation coming May 30. Our students have written skits to teach about the
"Knight’s Code” and are hoping to film them to show at the chapel later in May.
We’ll be working this week on finishing work with quality effort and on time. Please look for a purple
packet that describes our upcoming Middle Ages research/report project. It will be a challenge to keep
on track for the coming weeks, but I’m confident your child will rise to the challenge! Spelling and
Grammar will be done at home for homework from now on so we have class time to work on our research
projects. It will still be due on Thursday of each week.
I hope you’ve all seen the “purple packet” with the outline of the Middle Ages Research project. This is
a culminating project that the fifth graders have been hearing about all year. Please read through
carefully with your child. We’re going to need your help to keep on track and on time. The first step is
due Monday, please sign and return the packet with your child.
With joy,
Dixie McCaslin
Important dates:
  • May : MAP Testing May 18, 21-24 (times will be given in a separate email)
  • May 7-11 Book Fair, 7:45am-4:30pm, Library
  • May 9 Progress Reports Emailed
  • May 14-18 Student Council Shoe Drive for Northwest Children’s Outreach Collecting new and gently used shoes
  • May 30 New Chapel Date!

Spelling/Vocab words #5
Path to Knighthood Update
Congratulations to the following for achieving the rank of
Cooper    Aurora Katy     Kellen
Cade       Kacey Rowen  Dominick
Eden       Elijah Norah   Mariah
Academic Updates:
Bible - Samson
Math (review) - place value, multiplication, division
Social Studies - Wrapping up Ancient Rome to the fall of Rome
Lit Studies- Crispin and the  Cross of Lead - Literature groups, summary writing